Thursday, May 14, 2009

Poem: The Porcelain Cup

Written 5/14
Critique Welcome!

I hold a porcelain cup in my hand.
Hand-painted ivy twirls through
Dancing harps
I can hear their music.
I can speak their language,

Its lip curves toward mine.
This side has but slight irregularities,
Only visible when my eye draws it so near,
So very near,
That everything else blurs.

I hold the porcelain cup in my hand,
And ache for it to be complete
As it once was—
But now it is broken.
Even now it is crying,
“Let me be whole!”

Let mine fingers stroke its side,
Jagged and painfully unique
And I will drink my tea.
That awful tea,
From my beautiful, broken cup.


Beth Kephart said...

You have to be the sweetest soul in the world. Your poem (your poems) was/are lovely, too. Deciding was almost impossible and I am grateful that I took the judging out of my own hands.

This one here is masterful.


Priya said...

I loved this! I don't think it needs any fixing, except for one tiny thing: the word "irregularities" sounds a little bit out of place. Maybe it's just me, but "irregularities" makes me think of something mechanical. :-/ I don't know, just my opinion.

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